Baby Family First Trimester Pregnancy

There’s Been Some Changes Around Here…

August 1, 2018

It’s been a while since I wrote on this site, I’ve missed it and I’ve missed chatting with all of you but our family has been going through some changes over the last few weeks; well the last 12 weeks actually.

I’m super excited to share with you that my husband and I are expecting our second baby in early February 2019. We are beyond blessed and excited and can’t wait for our family to grown and for Amelia to be a big sister.

It feels like I’ve been waiting to write this post for months as we found out we were expecting at 4 weeks and it’s been the longest wait ever to finally share our news.

The first 12 weeks have been rough this time around, completely different to last time but I’m not going to go too much into it as I have a 12 weeks update to share with you in a couple of days so I will cover it all there. All I will say is it is definitely true that no two pregnancies are the same and damn am I glad the heatwave has taken a pause even if it is only temporary. Big shout out to those mamas who are heavily pregnant in this heat; you are incredible and I don’t know how you do it.

Some of you might be wondering if our pregnancy was planned and yes it was, we decided that we were ready to start trying for a second baby as we wanted a fairly close age gap between Amelia and her little brother or sister but I will be honest; it happened so much quicker than either of us expected. I thought we would have a few months of trying before being successful but it would appear the Universe had other ideas.

I’m so grateful to my body to be able to conceive easily and to be able to support a healthy pregnancy but I definitely was shocked to get a positive test within only a couple of weeks. It means that Amelia will be a little younger than we had anticipated but she’s so kind and caring towards other children already that I’m sure she’ll take it in her stride.

So, this was just a quick update from me to share our news and to say sorry for being distant on the blog and over on Instagram recently but as many of you will know, the first trimester is no joke and I’ve just not had the energy for it all.

I can’t wait to take you along on this journey again for the second time, I wonder how different it will be…

Rachel xx


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