Baby Reviews

My First Time Baby Wearing

April 14, 2017

During my pregnancy I was so keen on the idea of baby wearing, I loved the thought of having her so close to me, the ability to get jobs done even on days when she just wants cuddles and also the exercise element of carrying a baby around.

Before Amelia was born we purchased a Caboo DX carrier and I was so excited to use it, until I had a C-section and I was in so much pain I couldn’t even fasten it. The first time I tried to use it Amelia was only about a week old and I was still so swollen and painful that I couldn’t do it. It kind of put me off to be honest and I put the carrier away and haven’t looked at it since.

That was until we went to the farm last week and I saw so many parents carrying their babies whilst their toddlers ran around looking at the animals. Having Amelia in the pram at the farm was a bit of a pain, she couldn’t see anything from inside it so every time we stopped I had to lift her out and I just kept thinking how much easier it would be to just have her strapped to my chest and walk around.

So today I dug out that Caboo DX and decided to give it another try. I thought it would be harder to use now that Amelia is wriggly and doesn’t want to keep her arms and legs still but actually the fact that she is more robust and can support herself made it easier to put on. Once I had watched videos on YouTube to remind me how the hell all these straps and buckles work.

I didn’t really have anything to do so decided just to take a stroll around the block to see how it felt, I was pleasantly surprised, it was lovely to have her so close and not have to push the pram around. For the first couple of minutes she was interested in looking around and I showed her some of the beautiful blossoms trees on our road but then she put her head on my chest and was sound asleep.

Whilst I was walking I could hear her little snores and when peaking inside to check on her I could see her little hand clutching on to my MamaandBelle necklace and holding it close to her cheek, she loves to have something in her hands when she sleeps. I walked around for about 40 minutes and it was very nice, I could definitely feel my shoulders and back starting to ache so I think it will take some practice to build up to being able to carry her for a long period of time but now that I know I can wear her and she likes it I will be doing it more often.

Anyone out there who loves baby wearing, what do you do with all your stuff? I normally have a huge baby bag handing from my pram that is heavy enough to tip the frame if I forget to unhook it when I take her out. I don’t know if I could carry Amelia and the bag at the same time?

Rachel xx

  • Reply
    April 15, 2017 at 11:21 am

    I use a backpack if I need to carry stuff when we’re out & about! For longer walks/trips, I sometimes end up taking the pram anyway so she can have a change of scenery if she gets restless. We are using a Hanababy stretchy wrap at the moment and I love that I can just wear it all day and pop her in and out as needed. (Also sound asleep on me as I write this!) If your back is aching, try positioning higher and tightening the wrap a bit more – I was surprised how snug it actually needs to be, I thought I was gonna squash her but she should be really snug to your chest so that her weight becomes part of your centre of gravity. Good luck 🙂 x

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