Baby Lifestyle Travel

10 Tips For Travelling With A Baby – A Guest Post by Isaac Atia

February 5, 2018

This guest post was written by Isaac Atia, Head Editor at, where Isaac reviews the top baby, home, and outdoors products. See his latest post about convertible car seats on his blog.

You can still hit the road and fly abroad with a baby to care for. However, you will spend most of your trip trying to entertain and soothe your baby.

Here are some tips to help reduce some stress and prepare you for a successful, safe and enjoyable trip.

  1. Schedule your trip around your baby’s sleep time

It is best to consider your departure time around your baby’s sleep schedule so they can stay asleep during the beginning of the trip.  This will give you more time to focus on tasks for your journey ahead while your baby snoozes.

  1. Bring extra formula, food and snacks

Ensure you bring enough formula, food and snacks to keep your baby well fed. If you are a breastfeeding mother, make sure you also stay hydrated and well fed. Don’t neglect your needs either!

  1. Bring extra toys

It’s important to keep your baby entertained throughout the trip, make sure you pack some of their favorite and fun toys. Switch toys out every so often to keep your baby from getting bored.

  1. Bring extra clothing, diapers, wipes and other changing supplies

You definitely do not want to over pack but you do want to make sure you pack extra clothes, diapers, wipes and other changing supplies. It’s always best to pack a few outfits for each day while traveling. Bring a changing pad and plastic bag to store dirty items.

  1. Bring a tablet and or portable DVD player

Another form of entertainment will be a tablet and or a portable DVD player where you can play a variety of movies, shows and music for your baby. Keep them busy to ease any possible restlessness while on a plane or in a car.

  1. Entertain with games or songs

It’s okay if you’re not much of a singer! Your baby will most likely already feel soothed by the sound of your voice so consider singing a few easy songs. Come up with some silly finger games or play a game of peek-a-boo.

  1. Keep the trip short

Keep the trip short or consider shortening the trip to reduce any excess hassles. You’ll want to bring your baby back to their comfort zone and soon as you can.

  1. Keep your baby close to you

Your child will feel more safe and secure if he or she can see your face.  If you’re driving in a car with another parent, take turns with each other sitting in the backseat. If you’re driving alone, frequently interact with your baby.

  1. Make frequent stops if you’re on the road

It’s important to make frequent pit stops for feeding time, change diapers and bathe your baby.  Walking around while holding you baby will also help keep the restlessness and fussiness at bay.

  1. Stick to their routine

 If your baby sleeps, eats and bathes at the same time every day, stick to their routine while traveling as much as you can. This will help to prevent stress and keep them content.

Our Final Say

The bottom line, you need make sure you plan well! Create a checklist and be prepared so you can enjoy your travels with your baby.

I want to give a massive thank you to Isaac for writing this guest post for my site, some really great tips if you’re thinking about travelling with a baby but not really sure how to make it stress-free and enjoyable for everyone.

Rachel xx

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