
What My Kid Wore #4

January 24, 2018

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that January is almost over, I mean it’s a long month but it’s gone quickly this year. Is it just that as parents you never get five minutes to worry about how long January is as you rush from bedtime routine to bedtime routine each day.

This week Amelia has worn a top I bought her from Zara last year and I don’t know why it still had the tag on it, I can’t believe she’s not worn it yet because it’s so cute and easy to match up to make a stylish outfit. This week I’ve paired it with these dusty pink denim style leggings from Asda and a simple grey bow from EvieMichelle.

Although Amelia is comfortably wearing all of her 12-18 month clothes she still struggles with trousers that aren’t leggings; she has some lovely joggers and some little jeans but they’re so big around her waist that she can’t keep them up. Little tiny bean needs to fatten up a little before she grows too tall to wear them.

Sunday was a weird day, we had some errands to run and food shopping to do which is so exciting for a toddler isn’t it, she helped me with my shopping list by drawing on it and throwing it on the floor constantly. Side note, does anyone else hate doing food shopping in the shop that’s not your normal one? I hate it, I can’t find anything, everything is in a different aisle and I end up forgetting things because I’m all out of sorts.

Anyway, I digress, I was only able to grab a couple of photos of her outfit on Sunday because we stopped off at MacDonald’s for lunch and whilst Amelia didn’t spill any of the spaghetti bolognese we took for her she did sneeze mid mouthful and spit it all over herself. I’m hoping it washes out…

P.S. If you’re interested in the little star lights they’re from Primark and are £4 for 40 LED lights which is a total bargain. They’re super cute too.

Rachel xx


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