
What My Kid Wore #3

January 17, 2018

Not all weekends are made equal and this one was particularly great because we got to meet up with some friends we haven’t seen for months. You know that friend you have that it doesn’t matter how long its been since you hung out, you still have loads to chat about and it just feels like normal when you see each other, yeah that.

We had a rare where we were both free and decided to take the girls to  a soft play centre; I did my first ever blog about it and I’m so grateful to everyone who has watched it so far. If you’ve not seen it but would like to you can watch it here.

For our trip Amelia wore a new play suit from Asda, I love play suits because they keep her warm, look cute and also keep her arms and legs free so that she can run around and play without tripping over a dress. Her little bow is from Little French Beau but I think you could guess that one already.

Not that she did much playing though, she was super clingy the whole time we were there and spent most of it sat on my knee not wanting to go off and play with her friend. I’m not quite sure what’s gotten into her these last few days, she wants to be constantly picked up and carried but only if you stand up and walk around. If you sit down she wants to get down but then immediately cries because you put her down. You can’t win with babies sometimes but I’m hoping it’s just some nasty teeth and she will feel better soon.

This last photo really cracks me up, before I took it I had been rocking the bike back and forth and when I stopped Amelia tried to make it move again so I continued. From the look on her face you wouldn’t think she was enjoying herself at all.

Rachel xx

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